Sunday Morning Medley

Nov 14, 2019

Endless Anniversary

One year and counting

Which fades: the glow or the doubts?

Optimism prevails

Catchlight Caress

Smiling eyes wonder

What questions come tomorrow?

Together brings joy

Enchanted Crucible

Melting pot of thoughts

Struggle of lives intertwined

Each day offers growth


Cosmic lives embrace

Intersecting for how long?

Now is forever

Sine Timore

Seekers without fear

We embrace the daily feast

Life uncovers Truth


“Thank you, thank you, thank … “

Could anyone feel more beloved?

No … Not possible

See Saw

Glowing smiles …

Recurring doubts

Conviction …


New memories ...

Old memories

Determination …


Expectations, self-imposed …

Expressions, self-censored

Love …

Or... what?

Or nothing, for Love is all.

Potluck (Recipe for a successful relationship)

Each brings their own talents and spices… a hearty broth we intend

Never a thought about who is contributing more to each day’s blend

Knowing that superficial measures can detract from being friends

Arms and hearts outstretched… always there to lift each other higher

Combining wit and love and humility... with gentle fire

Hopes simmer into soup, with a touch of mystery to inspire

Sunday Morning

Soaking up the sacred moments, so quiet, so still

Drifting among indistinct worlds and dreams soon forgotten

I watch, trying not to disturb, until…

Smiling eyes open wide, come alive

Penetrating and radiating silent hopes

Sparkling mirrors of peace and joy inside

Even when you sleep, warmth envelops, prevails

I’ve never felt more loved than when I’m with you

Ever anxious to discover the next chapter of our tale